
Today - Snow!

Ah yes - let's lighten up this blogspace!  More photos.

Today we got some great spring-like snow.  We are talking wet, heavy, tree branch breaking snow.  Perfect for...

And doesn't every kid play with a beach ball when it snows?  Ha!

We had so much fun and I wouldn't have gone out if it weren't for them.  I'm thankful for these wonderful kids today.  I was trying to understanding what Philemon 1:7 meant during my study yesterday.

"Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints."

God just showed me exactly what that means for me.  My heart and soul are feeling refreshed this morning.

January 12th - snow!

It's not too late to show photos from last month, right?

I didn't think so.  These photos are from our last big snowstorm.  We did get some snow today and I'll post some awesome pictures from this morning in my next post.  But, these are just great and I'm sure you'll want to see my beautiful girls.  :)