
Calmer and funny

Sunshine - warm air, nothing planned for today...

I spent my time at the Y in prayer, I'm much calmer today.

I've been enjoying Katherine this morning. We headed to the library and then came home to sit and read books together. She loved to interact with the book. She wants to imitate any motions and talk throughout the book. I just love it. She makes me genuinely laugh - something my other girls weren't as good at at this age. They were cute and fun, but not really funny.

Katherine uses funny voices, enjoys being part of a joke, and imitates things her sisters do. She likes to play pretend. She asked me to "save her place" on the couch. I said "um, okay". And then when I told her a snowman and a dinosaur tried to take her place she said, "Did you push them away?". She was totally in on the game, loving the fact that Mommy was being silly with her. I hope I am providing her with what she needs.

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