
A good punishment

Yes, this is a photo of the girls' punishment.

They were bickering and fighting so they had to hold each others hands for 20 minutes. They ended up giggling and having a great time. Anna is standing in the photo because she really wanted me to get a picture of her behind. I managed to get her before she twirled around.

We had a great time at the Botanic Gardens. We enjoyed seeing the end of the season beauty this time with most of the plants in full size and bloom. It was lovely!


can I go over to my friend's house?

I've been struggling with what to do when the girls ask to have playdates at houses of kids I don't know. I don't want to let them into someone's home whom I've never met. My parents were really careful about that I still ended up in some strange situations. Thankfully God always protected me and I know that my parents were always praying for my safety.

So, I should not worry too much and I usually do trust my instincts.

Anna was playing with a little girl yesterday and asked me repeatedly about going to her house. I don't know anything about her but I have a rough idea of who her mom is. So, I was considering it.

Then, I was picking the girls up for school today and I saw her mom - completely unsteady and looking a bit delirious. I've seen her before at school and she usually seems fine. I asked another mom what she thought and she said the mom looked completely drunk. As I watched she nearly fell over twice while waiting to pick up her daughter from school. She was unable to walk even nearly straight as they headed towards their car. (!!)

So - I'm sticking with my instincts and I'm grateful that God provided me with a clear answer on this one. And I'm praying for her now. You never know what people are struggling with in their day to day lives.


Last week -

Thanks to all for wonderful gifts and notes and phone calls. I had a wonderful day! I'm loving my 30's!

Apple Orchard

We made it up to the Orchard early this year and picked some fabulous Gala & Jonamac apples. I think we may have got a few too many but we had such a blast!


first day of school Aug. 30th 2010

Ah yes - it has come (and gone now). Everyone got there without a hitch. And Daddy was along too! Did I mention how much we love having him work at home?

And check out my "new" wheels!! I love this stroller.


Our "new little boy" and school starts

I joke that I'm borrowing a boy since we didn't have one. I'm noticing that boys don't seem to cry so much. At least this little guy is just happy. I think we've sorted out the feeding issues and he is doing great now. And today I think I got his naps worked out, I think.

Mostly I'm really enjoying it. It's hard to be back to 2 naps at home a day again and fitting in feedings, etc. But, it is just so much fun to have him here. It has given my day some structure and schedule which makes me much happier really. And Katherine is enjoying him as a playmate. She is so cute playing with him!

Now we are halfway through the first week of school. There are always emotional issues around here associated with schedule changes. Turns out I'm so mean, I'm not fair and sometimes I am the hated one. Mostly I can handle it - the worst days involve lots of prayer and counting to 200 or more. I think that perhaps Katherine is struggling the most. Having A. is kindof like having a new baby (except he's older) and then her sisters are gone. I've been playing with her a lot more but she's still struggling with attention and is whining and grunting a lot.

I have pictures from the first day of school - they are coming soon!

The end of summer

We had such a splendid August. Our finances and my new job did not allow us to travel at all. So mostly the girls spent it with the neighbors.

Did I mention what fabulous neighbors we have? The kids are nice, easy to play with and often end up at our house.

We set up an impromptu tea party one day. There was just enough warning to allow everyone time to dress up and for me to pull together some snacks. It was all enjoyed on our back porch.

Katherine wore that dress for 3 days straight.

Another day some kids came over and enjoyed Rocky & Bullwinkle episodes with my kids. It was just too hot to be outside anymore that day. After a little bit of that they all headed outside to play in the sprinkler.

Love it!